Missa pro vivis

While writing this mass in 2013  I was frequently among cancer patients, doctors and medical staff working in oncology.

I was touched by the solidarity of these patients who all had one foot in day-to-day life and one foot in an entirely different world in which they fight a daily struggle with their own body and in which fear,resignation, rebellion and courage fight for the upper hand.

Cancer patients understand eachother as if they share a common secret. They find themselves in the same shadow , the shadow of death that isn't somewhere far ahead, but walking right next to them like an uninvited guest that will never leave again.

So many masses are written for the deceased . I wrote one for the living, for all those still fighting ,and for those who surround them, care for them with much love and warmth.

The music is serene, uncomlicated , no heavy rhetorics and above all hopeful and warm.


Music type: 
Alain De Ley